WireCloud - Application Mashup
Wirecloud is a web mashup tool designed to ease the development of operational dashboards. This allows end users to easily create web applications and dashboards without programming skills and to visualize data of interest and control their environment.
Academy Courses
Video 1. Wirecloud Training
Recording of the Workshop about WireCloud delivered in the Developers' week at Madrid. This video presents an introduction on WireCloud and also presents some practical examples of how to use it for Data/Application Visualization and for building custom dashboards.
Video 2. FI-PPP Liaison Workshop about WireCloud
Recording of the IMDEA FI-PPP Liaison Workshop about WireCloud. This video presents an introduction on WireCloud and also presents some practical examples of developing a simple chat widget using the WireCloud APIs.
Lesson 1. Introduction
This presentation introduces the WireCloud framework, its architecture and APIs.
This presentation shows how WireCloud is related to other FIWARE Generic Enablers, how to integrate them and what kind of applications can be created
Lesson 2. WireCloud for end-users
In this section you will learn how to use WireCloud from the point of view of a end user. That is, you will learn how to create and manage dashboards using WireCloud.
Lesson 3. WireCloud for component developers
In this section you will learn how to use WireCloud from the point of view of a component developer. That is, you will learn how to develop Mashable Application Components (widgets and operators).
API Reference documentation
JavaScript API Reference documentation of the Application Mashup JavaScript API (Widget API).
NGSI API Reference documentation of the NGSI JavaScript API provided by WireCloud
ObjectStorage Reference documentation of the ObjectStorage JavaScript API.
Lesson 3.1.0 - Quick start Quick tutorial on how to develop widgets using FIWARE technology.
Lesson 3.1.1 - Creating widgets and operator descriptions This presentation explains how to create widget and operators descriptions using either XML or RDF.
Lesson 3.1.2 - Logging error messages This presentation shows how to log error messages from widgets and operators.
Lesson 3.1.3 - Making requests and wiring These slides show an example to learn how to use the most commonly used features of WireCloud.
Lesson 3.1.4 - Adding preferences This presentation explains how to add preferences to config.xml file.
Lesson 3.1.5 - Accessing context information These slides show how to discover the available context information of a WireCloud instance and how to use widget context for resizing widget's content.
Lesson 3.1.6 - Translating widgets These slides explain how to translate widget metadata (using XML or RDF templates) and how to translate widget contents (using JavaScript).
Lesson 3.1.7 - Dynamic dashboards These slides explain how to create dynamic dashboards by the use of the Dashboard Management API.
Lesson 3.1.8 - Accessing third-party services using IdM tokens These slides explain how to use IdM tokens associated with the users for accessing third-party services from WireCloud widgets and operators.
Lesson 3.2.1 - Using Orion Context Broker This presentation shows how to use the Orion Context Broker JavaScript API in a practical way.
Lesson 3.2.2 - Using Object Storage This presentation explains how to configure and use the Object Storage.
Lesson 3.4 - Developer exercises - Some WireCloud exercises targeting widget and operator developers.
Lesson 4. WireCloud for administrators
In this section you will learn how to use WireCloud from the point of view of an administrator. That is, you will learn how to install and administrate your WireCloud instances.
Lesson 4.2 - Translating WireCloud - This tutorial describes the needed steps to customize the language of your WireCloud instance.
Step-by-Step Tutorials
Wirecloud is described in the following step-by-step tutorial: